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Moments of Truth

Have you ever faced a moment of truth? A moment when you knew that something in your life was changing or was going to change and things would not be the same again afterwards? No matter what you did, even if you did nothing, that would not change the fact that you could not go back to the way things were before. Sometimes these moments build slowly over time until we reach a point of no return. Sometimes these moments come suddenly with absolutely no warning whatsoever. Our next decision may be an act of faith or an act of desperation and during these times it is difficult to know the difference.

This book is an exploration of the manner in which people were transformed in these moments, uncovering a new vision of themselves and their perspective on living. In order to find meaning for ourselves, we must first have the courage to live in a manner that has meaning and purpose. In order to find fulfillment for ourselves, we must first have the courage to explore the possibilities that life itself has to offer.

About the Author

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Jon H. McCaine, Ph.D.

Licensed Clinical and Forensic Psychologist

Dr. McCaine is a Licensed Clinical and Forensic Psychologist and is a senior advisor for the Bayless Health Care Group, providing didactic lectures and direct training for the core behavioral health staff. Dr. McCaine was also the architect and consultant for Bayless Health Care’s Lighthouse Project for High Risk Teenage Youth, serving the Phoenix metro area, addressing a wide array of disruptive behavioral disorders, mood disorders, and substance related dependency and addictions. Dr. McCaine has in the past provided oversight and clinical intervention for residents of several geriatric facilities, addressing progressive dementias and degenerative neuro-cognitive disorders posing threats to their medical and emotional health and wellbeing. Dr. McCaine has delivered psycho-educational groups for The Catholic Charities Prostitution Diversion Program attended by thousands over the past 20 years.


As an identified expert witness in the forensic arena, Dr. McCaine provides courtroom training and testimony on antecedents of intimate partner violence and homicide. Dr. McCaine was recognized with the Attorney General’s Distinguished Service Award for his work in the area of family violence prevention and education. Dr. McCaine has served on the advisory board of the federal government’s Human Resource Services Administration Domestic Violence Prevention Project and is a subject matter expert in Domestic Violence and Homicide for the Arizona Psychological Association, who has sponsored training sessions conducted by Dr. McCaine attended by hundreds of licensed psychologists in Arizona and adjoining states.


Dr. McCaine provided statewide training on Cultural competence for Arizona's Administration of Children, Youth and Families. Dr. McCaine has provided training to the Navaho Nation, the Tohono O’odham Nation, and the San Carlos, White Mountain, and Colorado River Apache Tribes on Family Violence Prevention and Cultural Identity. Dr. McCaine delivered the keynote addresses for Arizona Statewide Gathering of Indian Nations, the National Association of Social Workers, the Texas Network of Youth Services, the Annual Iowa Conference on Minority Youth Disproportionate Confinement and was a special invited guest speaker for The International Violence Against Women Conference. Dr. McCaine was also a recipient of the Martin Luther King Memorial Award in Arizona for Community Service and Education and an invited guest speaker for the CBS News Special on Youth and Violence hosted by Dan Rather.

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Janet Lara, Arizona - USA

Dr. McCaine has more than 45 years of experience attending the youth and adults with problems of abuse. His experience is undeniable, as is shown with the many first-hand experiences shared in the book. His love for what he does every day, which in my opinion is saving lives of those which have lived in calamity, makes me appreciate the content of his book "Moments of Truth". The restoration he speaks of in the book starts when we accept our responsibility for the changes to come. 
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